Oh the joys of autumn flowers and the fading of the garden. A post of photos more than words
The nights are cooling and even though the garden has a distinct autumnal tone, the summer garden has not completely died back, and fall blossoms shine. Coreopsis Summer Sunshine has begun to bloom, showing up consistently in late September and typically continuing well into November.
Also, new to me, pineapple sage looks beautiful next to the garage. Not hardy here, unless we have an unusually mild winter, but I will put in more next year. It is doing much better in this spot than the rosemary that lived her previously.
The second bloom of the sedum. The first was in July.
The roses are happy with the warm, dry days.
And the fall blooming azaleas. I had spring azalea blossoms, but it was not the best year.
Lastly, I am letting the oregano go to seed and am thoroughly enjoying the blossoms on both the oregano beds and the Thai basil (no photograph).
I've done both less than I hoped, and more than in the past, so a good year. I am filled with encouragement and hopes. I suppose one could ask for nothing more.