I've had several blog posts rooting around somewhere in the back of my brain, but they haven't yet coalesced into anything coherent so I have nothing to fall back on but another garden post, heavy on photos and light on words. Hopefully that, the energy deficit, is turning around following a flutter ablation last Friday, but, let's not count our chickens and all that stuff.
The garden, despite the empty spaces, has been a gift. The Siberian iris, Caesar's Brother, is finally coming into its own. This is its third summer. Last year I had blossoms but they were small and spindly. This year the combination of the iris and the geraniums is everything I hoped it would be.
One of the irises, in detail.
The peonies have started blooming. This was the first to open.
Here it is again, becoming a bit blowsy but more blossoms are opening all around it. This time with the new bearded iris behind it. I found this bulb in a discount basket somewhat late for planting irises las summer, and stuck the three bulbs in the ground. Only one came up, not bad for $1 though. This is its first season of bloom.
The little apricot ground cover roses are also starting to bloom. They survived a year in their nursery pots; it didn't seem to dampen their enthusiasm, so I dutifully snapped pictures the first blossoms.
And the blackberry vines are slowly filling with blossoms and promises of fruit to come.
The shady azalea garden in the back is also coming into bloom. The pink shrubs in the back were in full bloom about two weeks ago and are now fading. The white are in their glory now, and the pretty large pale pink blossoms only slightly behind (below).
The fringe tree is also filled with blossoms. In fact everywhere I look something is blooming. Oh, I know this exuberance will not last, but at the moment it is all glorious.