Surprise, Surprise!
I finished the pink sweater and have actually been able to wear it, more than once even. And yes, I still love these ambiguous photos, where as much is left to the imagination as is revealed. That might change if I ever find unpack my tripod and am able take project photos again without relying on selfies.
Last you heard, nearly a month ago now, I had assembled the sweater and was working on the cowl, in fact had just ripped and restarted. If at first I had failed to put a twist in the cowl, the second attempt was also faulty in that I put in a full-twist rather than a half-twist. I can live with that. In my life it seems dyslexia always rears its head, and sometimes it is best simply to accept and move on.
In fact, I adore this sweater and can see that it will get frequent wear. I have worn it as a jacket on cool days, in the low 50s, when it was cloudy and brisk outside, and I have worn it in the house as well on chill evenings mostly because I intentionally keep the house cool. I would always rather put on a sweater than risk being too warm, and, loving knitting as I do, cannot imagine not having sweaters to cuddle up into.
I will post the details on the knitting blog later, based on the assumption that most readers here are not interested in the details. Of course considering how rarely I have posted on the knitting blog, that may be a waste of time as well. Feel free to tell me if you disagree.