I was not planning on writing a blog post this morning. At 8:30 I was still in my pajamas, although my morning housekeeping chores had been completed and I was ready to settle down with my journal and a pot of coffee. I thought, perhaps erroneously, that I had all the time in the world, despite a sore back, despite the fact that I still have to run to the store for a critical ingredient for a dish I promised to take to a party tonight.
Instead, just as I sat, my sore back finally comfortable, hoping for a bit of a respite, I heard loud trucks. "I thought that can't be happening here". But it was. The trees I thought were coming down on Monday came down this morning. As I sat here, watching men tossing ropes over the tree not 10 feet outside this window, I wondered if I should move. But before I even gathered my notebook and my coffee the tree was down,
I watched them pull the River Birch down, and now several trees lie across my driveway. No going to the store for a while, but they are so efficient I will probably get there. Of course if I had known this was going to happen at 8:30 on a Saturday, I would have warned my neighbors, whereas I would not have worried about it on a weekday. Too late now. We will all just have to settle in to the sound of chippers and saws. And Tikka barking hysterically, She doesn't know what to make of all of it.
In other small bits of news, the Amaryllis is in full bloom. Moises broke the main flower stalk, unintentionally I am sure, he had never seen an amaryllis before, but I managed to prop it up against the window sill, and all the flowers have opened.
Well, at least I won't have the tree people here on Monday at the same time as the people fixing the leak in my basement. Which reminds me I still have more heavy cleanup to do. But first a short break.
Happy Saturday. I hope yours is quieter than mine.