I am a little tired and overwhelmed this morning. Partly this is because I could not settle down after attending a fabulous performance by Chanticleer yesterday evening. Mostly it is because of my own unreasonable self-expectation. I don't know how I am going to finish the tasks that I have assigned for myself even as I realize and accept that I am by far my own fiercest task-master. It is a double standard I am working on defeating, but sometimes the only solution is to step back and take a deep breath.
To that end, I present you with frivolity.
I was fascinated with the sky this weekend, and with attempting to take pictures of clouds. It is not the sky that is frivolous, or the clouds for that matter, but my own attempts at capturing such magnificence with a cell phone while Tikka is tugging at a leash.
The photos are all from my small community, mostly in the mornings.
The time spans Friday through Sunday, and I am posting the photos in the order they were taken
I am fascinated by the photos themselves. They seem separate from what I think I saw, but although part of that may be due to equipment and skill, part of it is also due to the various veils and disconnects between life as it is experienced and life as it is lived.
Have a lovely week.