I've been mulling over a longer blog post, but the simple truth is that I underestimated how exhausting full day-embroidery seminars could be. This is not surprising considering this is my first Embroider's Guild of America seminar and I am a newbie at this kind of thing. At the end of my first day, there is barely a mull or a coherent sentence left. I am enjoying myself however, and have to thank my mom for roping me into this.
Hopefully I will get settled, or I will be a basket case at the end of 5 days. In lieu of many words, I will just share a few photos from the last 24 hours:
The river walk from our dinner table:
My lunch, crab salad made from Texas Gulf coast crabs, the thought of which brings back fond memories of crabbing with my grandfather.
And my progress at the end of my first six-hour embroidery class: