I float
Caressed on Gentle Waves
But not alone.
Lighter now than once I was
Yet stronger and more buoyant.
Gentle wings seeking respite
While the water ripples around me
Bubbling with joyous life.
Yet I float
Caressed on gentle waves
But not alone.
Yellow now,
Thin-skinned, fading,
I am becoming one with the water
While water ripples around me,
holding me close, comforted.
And I float
Caressed on gentle waves
But not alone;
Stronger now than once I was.
Then, one among many,
I beleived there was strength in numbers,
Until, cast assumder
I was lost in the maelstrom
And I foud respite in the waves.
So I float
Caressed on gentle waves
But not alone.
Water can draw us together,
We fallen leaves,
To become something greater than ourselves,
Something greater than we ever imagined:
A shelter from the sun
A resting place.
I float
Caressed on gentle waves
But not alone.
I am fading...
I am the waters;
In my arms
You may float
Caressed with my gentle waves
And never be alone.
photo: "yellow leaf on water" by Laura Pontiggia on Flickr (here).