I am in Texas visiting my mom this week, so it seemed like a good time to share a few photos of the needlepoint sampler.
Class ended last month, and I am almost finished. All that remains are a few decortive details which will be finished up next week. When I am doing needlework I loose all worry, all sense of time, and am just content. This tells me that I have not been giving myself enough time to explore my own gifts. In fact I have probably not been giving myself time at all. A situation that needs correcting.
The good part of my recent period of forced inactivity is that it has forced me to stop overthinking, overdoing, and just overachieving for a bit and think about what was actually imporant and just be. I've been trying too hard and as a result seemed to have misplaced something essential. I see the path; I'm not quite sure where it is taking me yet.
To begin I give myself persmission to keep a list of books I've read, but to not feel I need to share any thoughts. The results of forcing myself to write book revews were not pretty. If I feel inspired I shall write. Otherwise I like having a list. It is enough.