Last week, when I went downtown to get my eggs, I found that the Dogwood Arts Festival had begun and I had wandered into the chalk walk. I had a lot of fun wandering around looking at the various projects, mostly in the early stages of creation. I wished I had been more aware and had brought my camera but I managed to snap a few shots with my cellphone.
There were a mix of projects underway, some by very accomplished artists of various ages but I often found myself drawn to those projects that were being created children from various elementary schools. A few of their projects are in the collage above.
I'm no photographer, but I find myself often wishing I had my camera with me, something with a bit more control than my phone. Since I've found myself in this situation more times than I can count, perhaps the inner recesses of my brain are trying to tell me something. Of course, if I'm going to start carrying a camera around I will actually have to learn to use it as well. It seems there is no end to the stream of new things to learn.