A sweater was knitted.
It was barely finished before it flew the nest.
I purchased the yarn in Chicago in May, luscious silk and mohair by Shibui. I had a vision of a sweater in my head, a vision that did not quite materialize. The error was completely mine, a miscalculation compounded by a refusal to acknowledge my own growing dissatisfaction as I continued to knit.
The resulting sweater however is quite lovely in and of itself even if it was not what I wanted.
Luckily, I've never not found a home for a handknit sweater, and this one found a lovely recipient as I was tidying up the edges one day, a young womon whom it suits far better than I .
I know what I did wrong. I know how to make the sweater I want. I found the same yarns in a different color. Perhaps even a better color. Perhaps it was meant to be. The new version will come along after a few other projects are cleared out of the wings.