March is waning and the deadline for filing taxes is looming.
I haven't found the information yet. It has to be in this box as I've scanned, filed, and dealt with every other box of paperwork I accumulated between December and the beginning of February when we finally landed in the house. I didn't plan to be so disorganized, but those last few weeks, when we were tired of being in the hotel and I was frustrated with appraisers that didn't show up when they were supposed to and repeated delays, when I was standing outside in the cold with a moving truck I couldn't unload, when I was scrabbling at the last minute to round up enough cash before yet another deadline passed, when mail that was supposed to show up on certain days didn't show up until days, or even a week later, by which point I was too busy to deal with it -- when all that was going on, I just let the boxes pile up.
And now I am paying for it. But there is only one box remaining. That box up there in that photo. It has to be in there. I had hoped to get to it before now, but it is not really likely to happen this weekend. I can't lock myself in my office, I can't leave G to his own devices. So on Monday I may lock myself in with the scanner and the computer until it is all done.
In the meantime, today we drove around to take one of the local dogwood tours, although I noticed that I mostly took pictures of azaleas. Oh well.
I'll be back when I am feeling a little less under the gun. This may be the first year I just throw everything in a box and put it in the mail without sorting and categorizing it first. There's a first time for everything.