I'm in Dallas this morning. Well, if we are going to be picky, I am actually in Garland, which is outside of Dallas. The important thing is that I am not at home and that I have gone off, by myself, which is a big treat. By the time you are reading this, my vocal chords will have somehow subtly picked up some inaudible hum in the air and my own soft Texas twang will have somehow errupted out of the deeper recesses of memory. And I too, with the subtle shift in my voice, will also probably display a slight shift in my perceptions, a sublte alteration of being, as some basic familial patterning plays itself out and comes to the fore.
I flew in yesterday, a surprise gift to my mom, whose birthday is Monday. It has been far too long since I have been able to fly in and spend some time with her. This weekend is all about family and mother-daughter time, and I didn't bring my computer with me, although I may finally steal a few minutes here and there and catch up with blogs and email on my handy iPad. Otherwise, I'll be home on Wednesday.
How are you spending your weekend?
photo of Dallas Skyline from here.