Yesterday I was at the vet, sitting and waiting for my (actually Sam's) appointment and I overheard a telephone conversation that just had me livid completely out of proportion to the situation.
Someone was on the phone (duh) and she said "yes Thanksgiving dinner was good" ..."The man cooked it" ..."he even made stuffing"...."It was really good".... "I couldn't believe it either".
I was really about to lose it when we were called into the examining room and I started fretting about Sam, who somehow developed diabetes just as we were putting the house on the market and are packing and moving and it is absolutely the worst time for a poor sweet sensitive cat who really just likes things to be quite and uneventful to get sick, and I forgot about the conversation. I forgot about it until I was in the car and it just started rolling around in my head again.
I don't even know who I feel this whole conversation is more insulting toward -- men, whom we assume can't cook (are they too dim? or is it that they are too bright and cooking is mere "women's work") But then if it is the latter it is really demeaning to women. But it is demeaning even if we think only women can cook because they "pay attention to the details more" and taking pride in the idea that women cook and men don't. As soon as we decide something can only be done by one or the other sex, we are putting both sexes down, as if each group only holds a subset of the qualities that make up the whole creature known as "human".
Why do we give a guy who cooks a turkey AND dressing accolades? Why don't we marvel that mom or grandma or the lady next door just happened to turn out a fabulous turkey and dressing and maybe even (hold your breath) PIE. Really we take it for granted that women can make Thanksgiving dinner and really only comment upon those who fail. Why is it considered an affront if a woman can't cook a decent turkey but if a man burnt the turkey no one would care? Why do we applaud a man who "helps" around the house and condemn the woman who doesn't?
Yes there are very real biologial differences between men and women and I applaud them, and these differences do affect or pyschology and everything about us, and I applaud that too. But the rest of it? Why do we have to get ourselves so invested in our own little pieces of the metaphorical pie? Why limit ourselves? Why limit others? Just why?
Really, we let men get away with far too much. And don't give ourselves nearly enough credit.
Asside from my self-absorbed mental peregrinations, I am occupied with the mundane tasks of packing. Being the perhaps neurotic person I am, I have color-coded the new house and purchased 10 colors of duck tape to assist in the packing process.
Aside from cataloging box contents, I am wrapping each box in the appropriate color tape so that it will be evident where it goes when it is unloaded. It will also be very evident if any box ends up in the wrong room.
I can see already that I will need a great deal of tape and that I did not perhaps purchase enough of certain colors. Luckily that situation can be remedied with a simple trip to the store.
In the meantime, it may be overkill, but the colors make me happy.