Finally something new to show.
I actually finished knitting the pieces of this sweater back in April, blocked it, and then got so wrapped up in other things that it just languished. This was unfortunate because we had such an extended period of cool weather that, had I finished it, I could have been wearing it. Now it is more than likely too warm, but I did manage to wear it yesterday evening as we had a blustery day and the temperatures dropped back down into the 40's. This is a welcome change after a Memorial Day weekend with daytime temps in the 90s.
I based the size of this sweater on another sweater which is a similar shape except that it has longer sleeves and is knit in a different yarn. To tell the truth, I am not as thrilled as I expected to be as I love the original. If I had knit the pattern in the recommended yarn it might be more like the first, as both yarns have a substantial amount of rayon, but then again, I am still sometimes surprised by yarns and the fabrics they create.
It is not a bad sweater however, and I suspect that much of my disappointment can be chalked up to the usual end-of-project-discontent. It is quite possible that, come cooler weather, this will be my new favorite.
Pattern: Teasel from Rowan 43
Yarn: Classic Elite Soft Linen, 35% linen, 35% wool, 30% alpaca in color 2204 Titian Blue.
I deem this a moderate success, but as I said, it could still become a favorite. I love the sweater, I just don't love the way I have put it together so far. There is much room here for interpretation.
As to other knitting, I am finally reknitting the purple cabled shell from January. It is going well now, at least in some modified definition of well. I mean, I am enjoying knitting it except that I am knitting about 2 rows a night, which means I might be finished by Christmas .... eek. Its not the sweater, its just my general state of exhaustion, what with working in the yard, and wearing my many hats and what have you. Oh, and I knit 18 rows Wednesday night in a music and brandy filled hazed as I finally saw Nixon in China (broadcast on PBS) which went on and on until midnight, and G, in some kind of fog, remembered a drink we drank when we were dating in the early 80's (Brandy Alexanders) and made us brobdingnagian versions (about 16 ounces each). I knitted and I survived. In fact I knitted well, without a single mistake, which must be some kind of record, considering the alcohol. I would take this under advisement as a suitable path for knitting success except that I was so grumpy Thursday morning as to place almost put a damper on the whole day.