Who knew that this woman, Texas born and bred, loved working outside on the chill autumn days? Not I apparently, although perhaps I should have realized this by now.
In the summer heat I hated the garden, hated working in it, longed to hide myself indoors peering out. I liked early morning walks through the garden, at least on those early mornings where the humidity didn't start out at 90%. In the heat of this past summer I wondered if I truly had it in me to garden, to work outdoors. I thought I had lost my mind planning flower beds and vegetable gardens. I forgot how nice it was to be outside on a cool crisp day.
Yesterday was a gardening day, and it started in a bit of a panic. I have been working in bits and pieces here and there, but not getting enough done, and Sunday morning it really hit me that it was almost November and November means "winter is a coming in" after all. Not only was it almost November it was cold and blustery, and the first time I went outdoors, I came right back indoors in search of warmth.
But there was too much to do that I went right back outdoors, and you know what? I loved it. I planted another couple of hundred bulbs and finished planting the stone beds in the front yard, or at least I finished all the planting I had planned on doing this fall. I even managed to clean out some of the pots and wash them, allowing them to dry in the sun before putting them indoors for the winter.
I loved feeling warm and toasty in my down vest while the cool wind licked my face and made my nose run. I love the way the vest allows me to have my arms free to work, but provides just enough warmth so that I can be both cool and toasty all at once. I loved the red-cheeked feeling of the wind against my face. In the cool sunshine work didn't seem quite so onerous. I had to work after all to stay warm and the work felt like dancing. Pushing bulbs into the soft soil, making spots for new perennials and a few small shrubs, cutting back and mulching, always moving but not rushing. Even though the need to put the garden to bed for the winter is a kind of ending, it is also filled with promise and I felt myself smiling and felt my own eyes laughing as I nestled plants in the soil, snug under their mulch blanket, ready to come out next spring.
Of course I didn't finish. But I got far enough along that now I know I will finish in time. Soon enough the planting will be done, the pots will be put away, and winter will be at my door. This year I feel ready for it, ready for rest, ready for hibernation, ready for sweet dreams and bright new beginnings. Autumn feels full of promise to me, like slipping between the sheets at night ready to slumber sweetly and face the new day.