I had a note in my calendar that I was supposed to write a blog post on Tuesday. Unfortunately I spent most of Tuesday in bed with some kind of vicious chest cold. I wasn't doing anything on Tuesday, or yesterday either for that matter. Today. I've gotten a little simple mindless knitting under my belt but am still lacking in energy and have a lingering cough, which probably lingers further because my chest muscles are so sore from coughing that my attempts feel a bit pathetic. In fact I do not feel inclined to do much of anything, but I'll try to string some words together.
I went out to the store Monday morning to see about getting some fish for dinner. I picked up fresh sardines. By the time I got around to scaling, cleaning and filleting them, I was already coming down with cold symptoms. Truthfully I didn't feel like doing it, but I also didn't want to waste the fish. My patience, and therefore my skill, was lacking, but I got everything done. The process brought up happy memories of sitting outside with my dad scaling and gutting bluegills when I was a child. I think he would have approved of the sardines as well although I don't recall ever having fresh sardines when I was young.. These are rolled around a mix of breadcrumbs, orange zest, golden raisins, pepitas and caciocavallo cheese and baked with additional orange slices. They were not difficult and they were delicious, but by the time they were done I was so tired I had to force myself to eat. At least they didn't go to waste, and I probably needed the protein..
Otherwise I've not been up to much. Two days in bed. Today barely puttering about. I'm working on a garter stitch blanket in Plymouth Yarns' Baby Alpaca Grande that I started in late 2021. The pattern is the Modern Log Cabin blanket pattern from Mason Dixon Knitting although at a much larger gauge and yielding a much larger blanket. I knit the first five blocks and then abandoned the project, probably because I made the temperature blanket in 2022, and one blanket at a time was enough for me.
I am currently knitting block 5. You can't see the number because it is hidden by the yarn swatch, but it is the teal block above blocks 3 and 4. Actually I will probably finish that block tonight and pick up stitches for block 6. I've been chilled to the bone and can't seem to pile enough sweaters or blankets on to feel warm. The extra layer of alpaca feels delicious.
My other two projects are too complicated for me to work on at the moment. I'm knitting a lime green cashmere shell. I finished the back last week. I cast on for the front and knit one pattern repeat before I got sick. There are four more pattern repeats before I begin binding off at the underarm, but I don't see anything happening on this until I am feeling better.
Also in the active project bag is a jacket knit out of Prism half-inch wide rayon ribbon, but I've been avoiding it for a while. I think the last time I worked on it was in October. I am finding that the yarn is very twisted and I have to iron each skein before I knit it. This is the annoying part. I usually enjoy ironing, but untwisting and ironing 100 yards of ribbon at a go is not fun. I finished ironing a skein just before Thanksgiving, and the only reason I didn't start knitting it up was because then I'd have to iron another skein of yarn. The knitting goes faster than the ironing. Silly no? I've also learned that I tend to twist my projects and my yarn in funny ways when I knit, which doesn't help in this specific case. I know I will love the cardigan though, and I am determined to finish it this year. There are three more skeins of yarn. If I do a skein a quarter, I'd be contented with that.